Developer Guide

Getting Started

Git and Github

Our development process heavily relies on Git and Github. If you’re unfamiliar with Git or Github workflow, a good place to start would be with this guide.


To get directly in touch with the team and ML Square community, you’re encouraged to join our Slack channel -


Forking a repository

To ensure a risk-free environment to work with, you will have to fork the mlsquare repository. Once you have forked the repository, you can call git fetch upstream and git pull 'branch-name' before you make any local. This will ensure that your local repository is up-to-date with the remote repository.

Syncing your forked repository

Please refer to this guide if you face difficulties in syncing your fork with the mlsquare repository.

Installing mlsquare after cloning repository

After forking and updating your local repository, you might want to do the following to install the local repository version. This will help you in testing changes you make to the repository.

cd path-to-local-repo/mlsquare
python develop

Adding an algorithm

This is for users interested in adding or contributing custom algorithms. Follow the below mentioned steps to contribute to the existing collection of algorithms available in mlsquare.

Where to add?

Navigate to mlsquare.architectures folder. Choose your primal module(say The architectures folder consists of all existing algorithm mappings. Each .py file in this folder represents a primal module.


  1. Each algorithm is expected to be declared as a class. An algorithm should be registered in the registry using the @registry.register decorator.
  2. Use the base class available in as the parent class for your algorithm. Feel free to use an already existing base class(ex - glm) if it matches your algorithm’s needs.
  3. The following methods and attributes are expected to implemented while creating a new model,
    • create_model() - Your model’s architecture lies in this method. Calling this method would return a compiled dnn model(ex - keras or pytorch model).
    • set_params() - The conventions followed by mlsquare in defining model parameters are mentioned below. This method should handle the “flattening” of parameters.
    • get_params() - Calling this method should simply return the models existing parameters.
    • update_params() - This method should enable updating the model parameters for an instantiated model.
    • adapter - This attribute should contain the adapter choice you have made for your algorithm.
    • module_name - The primal module name(should be a string)
    • name - Name that you wish the model should be reffered by.
    • version - If an implementation already exists for your algorithm and you wish to improve it by a different implementation, make sure you add a meaningful version number.
    • model_params - The parameters required to compile your model. Conventions to be followed are mentioned below.

Notes on conventions

  1. Currently mlsquare supports keras as the backend for proxy models. The convention we follow is similar to that of keras with some minor changes.

  2. The parameters should be defined as a dictionary of dictionaries. The first level of dict should represent each layer. Each layer should be followed by the index of the layer.

  3. Sample parameter - This sample dict shows the parameters for a keras model with 2 layer(both hidden and visible),
    model_params = {'layer_1': {'units': 1, 'activation': 'sigmoid'},
                   'layer_2': {'activation':'softmax'}
                   'optimizer': 'adam',
                   'loss': 'binary_crossentropy'

Sample implementation

  1. To get started, create a base model

    class MyBaseModel(GeneralizedLinearModel):
     def create_model(self, **kwargs):
       ## To parse your model from 'flattened' to 'nested'
       model_params = _parse_params(self._model_params, return_as='nested')
       model = Sequential()
       ## Define your model
                       trainable=False, kernel_initializer='random_normal',  # Connect with sklearn_config
       return model

    The above class inherits from the existing GeneralizedLinearModel. For most use cases, this would be sufficient, unless you wish to overwrite the set_params() method.

    class MyModel(MyBaseModel):
        def __init__(self):
            # Import the adapter
            self.adapter = MyAdapter
            self.module_name = 'PrimalModuleName'
   = 'ModelName'
            self.version = 'default'
            model_params = {'layer_1': {'units': 10,
                                        'activation': 'linear'
                            'layer_2': {
                                        'activation': 'softmax'
                            'optimizer': 'adam',
                            'loss': 'categorical_hinge'}
            ## Make sure you call this method after the params are defined
            self.set_params(params=model_params, set_by='model_init')
    1. Please make sure that you “register” your model in the registery by using the @register.registry decorator.
    2. Define all mandatory attributes mention earlier in your model’s __init__() method.
    3. Set your params once you have finalized using the set_params() method.

Writing test cases

Please make sure that test cases are written with atleast 90% coverage for each new algorithm added. mlsquare utilizes pytest to execute test cases. Test cases should be added to the tests folder to corresponding module’s file. For example, test cases for a newly added algorithm would be defined in the file. Please feel free to reachout for help via our Slack channel if you face any difficulties in writing or understanding test cases.

Once you have completed your test cases, you can run them using the following commands

cd path-to-local-repo/mlsquare
python test

Creating a Pull Request

When the required additions are made and sufficient test cases are added, please raise a Pull Request. Always make sure that raise your Pull Requests to the dev branch. Please add [WIP] to the title on PRs that are not complete and is still work in progress.

Check CI and wait for review

All commits undergo an automated check by CircleCI. This ensures build checks and executes test cases.

Reviews would be done only on commits that pass the CircleCI checks.

Do not worry if the checks fail. Failing the CI checks will not close the PR by default. You can always cross-check what went wrong in CircleCI feedback and fix the errors and update the PR.


  1. What do you mean by “transpliling” a model?
    Model transpilation in mlsquare’s context refers to converting a given model to it’s neural network equivalent.
  2. What is a primal model?
    A primal model is model that you wish to transpile to a neural network model.
  3. What is a proxy model?
    The proxy model refers to the intermediate state that a primal undergoes to transpile itself to a neural network model.
  4. What is Registry and what is it used for?
    mlsquare maintains a registry of the model mappings defined in the architectures folder. This is to ensure easy access of models at point.